
    Fees & Charges


    General Services 

    Consultation €70 What do I need to know?
    TeleConsultation (Video or Phone) €70 What do I need to know?
    Consultation & Bloods €90 What do I need to know?
    Extended Consultation* €100
    Extended Consultation & Bloods* €120
    Review Appointment (within 1 week) €45
    Review Appointment (within 2 to 3 weeks) €55-€70
    Child Consultation €55 Under 16
    Child Review €35 Under 16
    Cryotherapy - First visit €60
    Cryotherapy - Follow-up €50
    24 Hour Blood pressure monitor €100 2 visits, 24 hours apart
    Nurse Consultation €45 For specific services only
    Nurse Consultation for Bloods €40 GP-ordered monitoring bloods only
    Ear Syringing €60

    * requires an extended consultation. Please allow more time.

    Add-ons (to standard consultations - if time permits)
    Blood tests From+€20 Click for details
    ECG +€30
    Swabs +€20
    Cryotherapy +€20
    Blood tests from+€20 Click for details
    STI Screening +€40
    Ear Syringing +€40


    Fertility Services

    'Thinking about it' From €130
    'Nothing happening yet...' From €130
    'Recurrent miscarriage' From €130
    'Not thinking about it at all...' From €130
    AMH blood test add-on €90
    Mid-luteal progesterone blood test (usually Day 21 or Peak +7) €40
    Male Fertility Consult €90
    Book your appointment here...


    Travel Medicine

    Travel Health Consult €70 1 person - Applies to all first-time visits for vaccination unless stated otherwise
    Admin Fee €15 Applies to all return vaccination visits unless stated otherwise.
    Travel Vaccinations Priced Individually Subject to change
    Hepatitis A €50
    Typhoid €40
    Hepatitis B - Full Course €165 If paid for in full on day of 1st Hep. B shot
    Hepatitis B - 1 year Booster shot €55 Includes Admin fee
    Hepatitis B €35 Per shot. Course of 3 required for full cover.
    Hepatitis B €50 2nd or 3rd shot: Includes Admin fee.
    Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B €65 Per shot. Course of 3 required for full cover.
    Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B €80 2nd or 3rd shot: Includes Admin fee.
    Rabies (Verorab) €85 Per shot. Course of 3 required for full cover.
    Rabies €100 2nd or 3rd shot: Includes Admin fee.
    Yellow Fever (Stamaril) €50 Includes Yellow fever Certificate
    Tetanus/Polio/Diptheria (TPD) €55
    Tetanus/Diptheria (TD) €15 Includes Admin fee
    Cholera (Dukoral Oral - 2 Doses) Not ordinarily stocked - Please contact us to enquire
    Japanese Encephalitis Not ordinarily stocked - Please contact us to enquire
    Quadrivalent Meningitis (ACWY) Not ordinarily stocked - Please contact us to enquire
    Book your apppointment now...



    Chickenpox (Varivax) €90 Including administration/consultation
    Shingles (Zostavax) €230 For full details, click here
    Shingles (Shingrix) €240 For full details, click here
    Meningitis B (per shot) €180 Including administration/consultation
    Meningitis B (per shot) No fee For children born on or after 1 October 2016 under NCIP
    Whooping Cough (Pertussis) €50 Including administration/consultation
    Quadrivalent Meningitis (ACWY) €80 Not normally in stock - 4-day order time - Enquire
    MMR €15 Includes Admin fee
    Meningitis C €15 Includes Admin fee
    All NCIP vaccines No fee Details here
    Pneumococcal (Adult) €35 Details here
    Vitamin B12 - Loading course €100 For 5 Vitamin B12 injection if paid in advance
    Vitamin B12 - Single shot €35 Maintenance dose or 1-off shot
    HPV Vaccine €230 Between 1 and 3 vaccines needed


    Occupational Health

    Pre-Employment Medicals €100 to €200 Depending on complexity
    Fitness to Work Assessments €320
    Diving Medical From €100
    Sports Medical From €100
    Spirometry Enquire
    Driving Licence (Cars/Group1) €70
    Driving Licence (HGV/Group2) €90


    Sexual Health 

    Sexual Health Screening €80
    Contraceptive Consultation** €70
    Mirena Insertion* €150 After prior consultation with one of our GPs
    Implanon Insertion €80 After prior consultation with one of our GPs
    Implanon Removal* €125
    Implanon Removal & Reinsertion* €145
    Copper Coil - Supply and Insertion* €190
    Coil removal and Reinsertion* €175
    Attempted Coil Insertion (Failure to Insert) €120 Even though a coil insertion can sometimes fail, we must still charge for the doctor's time.
    Coil Review (String Check) €40 6 weeks post-insertion
    Depo-Provera (Depo) Injection €40
    * requires an extended consultation. Please allow more time.

    **All contraceptive services are free of charge for women between the ages of 17-35. Book your appointment now. Click Here


    Mental Health

    Mental Health Consultation* €100 Details here: 
    * requires an extended consultation. Please allow more time.


    Skin and Minor Surgery 

    Roaccutane Clinic - First Visit €140
    Roaccutane Clinic - Review €100
    Minor Surgery €100 to €200 Depending on complexity
    Joint Injections €100 Requires GP Consultation first
    Suturing Please enquire at reception
    Cryotherapy - First Visit €60
    Cryotherapy - Follow-up €40

    Specialist Services

    H. Pylori Breath Test ONLY €130 Referred by your own GP and results sent to your own GP for reporting. No follow up or treatment provided by GBMC
    H. Pylori Breath Test & Consult €190 Treatment and Follow up by GBMC
    Menopause Clinic - First Consult* €200 No extras included .....  Enquire Here and book your appointment now
    Private Smear €180
    Paternity DNA testing* €425 Non-Court Admissible
    Paternity DNA testing* €819 Court Admissible
    * requires an extended consultation. Please allow more time.





    Health Screening 

    WellPerson Screening* €170
    Cervical Smear Free With CervicalCheck Program
    Private Smear Test €180
    H. Pylori Breath Test ONLY €130 Referred by your own GP and results sent to your own GP for reporting. No follow up or treatment provided by GBMC.
    H. Pylori Breath Test & Consult €190 Treatment and follow-up by GBMC.
    * requires an extended consultation. Please allow more time.



    Scripts/Certs/Letters/Forms (outside of a consultation)

    Repeat Prescriptions €20 ORDER ONLINE HERE
    Certificates of Illness €25 ORDER ONLINE HERE
    Letters/Forms €25 ORDER ONLINE HERE 
    GMS Application Forms No Charge  At times when we are accepting new GMS patients
    Statements of Account  €5  48 Hours' notice required


    Services to Medical Card Holders

    Routine GP Consultation No Fee
    Blood Tests ordered by our GPs €20 Click for details
    Driving Licence Report €50
    Social Welfare Illness Certificates No Fee Order Online. Click Here
    Letters/Forms €15 Order Online. Click Here 
    GMS Application Forms No Fee At times when we are accepting new GMS patients
    Mirena Insertion* €70 To cover sterile instruments costs...
    Implanon Insertion* No fee To cover sterile instruments costs...
    Implanon Removal* €40 To cover sterile instruments costs...
    Implanon Removal & Reinsertion* €40 To cover sterile instruments costs...
    Copper Coil (Supply & Insertion) * €120 To cover sterile instruments costs...
    Attempted Coil Insertion (Failure to insert) €40 To cover sterile instruments costs
    Coil Review (String Check) No fee
    24 Hour Blood pressure monitor No fee 2 visits, 24 hours apart
    Sports Medicals* from €70 depending on complexity
    ** All contraceptive services are free of charge for women between the ages of 17-35. Book your appointment now. Click Here


    Student rates for Services (Under 23 & Valid Student Card)

    Consultation €55
    Consultation & Bloods €75 What do I need to know?
    Extended Consultation* €80
    STI Screening €60
    Chlamydia Screening €40



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